Travel Health


We are no longer able to provide a dedicated travel service due to the vast increase in the current NHS workload in General Practice.

Listed below are useful websites you may access for up to date information regarding recommended vaccinations, mosquito avoidance, malarial advice and general travel advice for individual countries.



Fit for travel: Provided by Health Protection and NHS Scotland

National Travel Health Network and Centre: Advice for Healthcare Professionals and others

General Advice

  • Some vaccinations such as Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Typhoid and Hepatitis A are available on NHS prescription and if you are advised at the travel centres that any of these vaccines are required we are happy to issue prescriptions and administer same free of charge.
  • Other non NHS vaccinations including Hepatitis B, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningitis, and Yellow Fever will have to be paid for and administered by the staff at the travel clinic.
  • Generally anti-malarial tablets have to be issued on a private prescription and again this can be supplied by the private travel clinic.
  • Other medication you may wish to take on holiday which you do not normally take e.g. antibiotics, incase you have a UTI, cannot be provided on an NHS script and requires a private prescription which you will have to pay for.
  • You are also encouraged to ensure you have arranged appropriate travel insurance for your planned trip and consider applying for the EHIC or new GHIC cards which can be applied for online.  For further up to date information following this link - Travel health and getting healthcare in Europe
  • If there is any concern regarding safety of tap water, ensure you bottled water for brushing teeth or use boiled sterilised water. You should avoid using ice cubes or eating food which has not been washed with clean water such as fruit or salads.
  • It may be advisable to buy anti diarrhoeal tablets e.g. Loperamide, and rehydration sachets e.g. Dioralyte, if you have concerns regarding the risk of diarrhoeal illness. Ensure you drink lots of clear fluid to prevent dehydration.
  • It is advisable to avoid drinking excess alcohol when abroad.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure which is at its most intense between 11am and 3pm.
  • Insect repellent which contains high percentage ( > 60% ) of DEET can help protect from insect bites, as can wearing appropriate clothing to reduce exposure to bites.

Mountsandel Travel Advice Leaflet for patients

 There is several Travel Clinics you can get advice from and if you required any private vaccinations, these will be available there at a charge.